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Our laboratory studies interbacterial interactions among colonic commensals. Altered composition of the gut microbiome contributes to many disease states, and targeted manipulation holds therapeutic promise. The intestinal microbiome is a complex ecosystem where bacteria occupy overlapping niches. Bacteria contact one another, eliciting responses which may neutral, competitive, or collaborative. Bacteroidetes comprise one of the dominant phyla in the human gut microbiome and are known to compete with diverse species to colonize and persist in the intestine. As part of their fitness for the colonic environment, Bacteroidetes utilize a remarkable diversity of carbon sources, and some encode type VI secretion systems which deliver effectors (toxins) to kill contacting bacteria. Genomes of these Bacteroidetes also encode immunity proteins which prevent intoxication of self and kin.
Current projects in our lab include:
- Discovery and characterization of interbacterial responses among Bacteroidetes.
- Elucidating mechanisms and physiologic importance of antagonism mediated by polymorphic toxin secretion systems.
- Determining how contact among Bacteroides species impacts polysaccharide utilization.
- Determining how bacteria contribute to colorectal cancer incidence, progression, and metastasis by microbiome profiling from formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue.
- Characterizing and targeting G protein signaling pathways in the parasite Naegleria fowleri.
To address these aims, we employ a variety of approaches, including proteomics, next generation sequencing, bacterial genetics, biochemistry, structural biology, and mouse models of intestinal colonization.

Structural disruption of Tde nuclease effector domains by immunity proteins
Bacteroidales use type VI secretion system DNAse effectors (Tde) for interbacterial competition. A crystal structure of catalytically inactive Tde highlights a DNA binding site (green) and enzymatic active site with conserved HxxD motif. Immunity protein (Tdi) interaction induces a large effector conformational change in Tde nucleases, disrupting the active site and altering the DNA binding site, highlighted by a Tde / Tdi complex crystal structure. The Tde/Tdi interface and immunity mechanism are distinct from all other polymorphic toxin–immunity interactions of known structure. Tde encoding genes are enriched in fecal metagenomes from ulcerative colitis patients, suggesting a link to inflammatory bowel disease.
Bosch DE, Abbasian R, Parajuil B, Peterson SB, Mougous JD. Structural disruption of Ntox15 nuclease effector domains by immunity proteins protects against type VI secretion system intoxication in Bacteroidales. mBio. 2023. Epub head of print. doi: 10.1128/mbio.01039-23

Heterotrimeric G protein signaling in Nagleria fowleri
The free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri is an uncommon human pathogen with infection mortality rates near 100%. Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis arises when N. fowleri from contaminated water sources enters the nasal cavity and ascends along olfactory nerves to the brain. Our laboratory identified heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathways that may mediate response to extracellular cues that may be targetable with small molecule drugs. The single celled N. fowleri expresses an array of GTPase G-alpha subunits, some of which are "self-activating" through rapid nucleotide exchange mechanisms also observed in plants and some protozoa. A crystallographic snapshot structure of the self-activating NfG-alpha7 captures a nucleotide-free state. G-alpha subunits engage regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS proteins), including an RGS domain-containing Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RhoGEF). We hypothesize that these signaling pathways mediate cytoskeletal rearrangements in response to extracellular stimuli, for example during amoebic motility.
Bosch DE, Jeck WR, Siderovski DP. Naegleria fowleri conventional and self-activating G protein alpha subunits engage seven-transmembrane RGS proteins and an RGS-RhoGEF effector. J. Biol Chem. 2022 June. 20:102167. PMID 3578399.